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•Aptitude Test-1 •Aptitude Test-2 •Aptitude Test-3 •Aptitude Test-4 •Aptitude Test-5 |
If you want to learn quantitative aptitude skills in detail, please click on the below links to learn the stuff that you want to learn.
10. Problems on Boats and Streams
11. Problems on Ratio and Proportion
17. Compound Interest Problems
18. Permutation and Combination Problems
23. Word Problems on Simple Equations
24. Word Problems on Simultaneous Equations
25. Problems on Quadratic Equations
26. Word Problems on Quadratic equations
27. Pipes and Cisterns Shortcuts
29. Logarithm Concepts and Problems
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Feb 12, 25 08:14 AM
Feb 12, 25 08:11 AM
Feb 11, 25 11:15 AM