Please click here to download profit and loss worksheet as pdf document.  

Problem 1 :

A man buy an article for $27.50 and sells it for $28.60. Find his profit percent. 

Problem 2 :

If a camera is purchased for $490 and sold it for $465.50, find the loss percent. 

Problem 3 :

By selling 33 meters of cloth, one gains the selling price of 11 meters. Find the profit percent. 

Problem 4 :

A person incurs 5% loss by selling a laptop for $1140. At what price should the laptop be sold to earn 5% profit ?

Problem 5 :

The cost price of 21 articles is equal to S.P of 18 articles. Find the profit or loss percent. 

Problem 6 :

A man bought candies at 3 for a dollar. How many for a dollar must he sell to earn a profit of 50% ? 

Problem 7 :

If the cost price is 96% of the selling price, then what is the profit percent ?

Problem 8 :

An article is sold at a certain price. By selling it at 2/3 of that price, one loses 10%. Find the profit percent at original price. 


Problem 1 :

A man buy an article for $27.50 and sells it for $28.60. Find his profit percent. 

Solution :

Given :

Cost price  =  $27.50

Selling price  =  $28.60

Finding Profit : 

Profit  =  Selling price - Cost price 

Profit  =  28.60 - 27.50

Profit  =  1.10

Finding Profit Percent : 

Profit percent  =  (Profit/Cost price)  100 %

Profit percent  =  (1.10/27.50) ⋅ 100 %

Profit percent  =  4 %

Problem 2 :

If a camera is purchased for $490 and sold it for $465.50, find the loss percent. 

Solution :

Given :

Cost price  =  $490

Selling price  =  $465.50

Finding Loss : 

Loss  =  Cost price - Selling price 

Loss  =  490 - 465.50

Loss  =  24.50

Finding Loss Percent : 

Loss percent  =  (Loss/Cost price)  100 %

Loss percent  =  (24.50/490) ⋅ 100 %

Loss percent  =  5 %

Problem 3 :

By selling 33 meters of cloth, one gains the selling price of 11 meters. Find the profit percent. 

Solution :

Let the selling price of 1 meter of cloth be $1.

Then, the selling price of 33 meters of cloth  =  $33

By fact, we have

S.P of 33 m - C.P of of 33 m  =  Profit

Given :

By selling 33 meters of cloth, the profit earned is the selling price of 11 meters. 

So, we have

S.P of 33 m - C.P of of 33 m  =  S.P of 11 m

S.P of 33 m - S.P of of 11 m  =  C.P of 33 m

S.P of 22 m  =  C.P of 33 m

22 ⋅ 1  =  C.P of 33 m

22  =  C.P of 33 m

Finding Profit :

Profit  =  Selling price - Cost price

Profit  =  33 - 22

Profit  =  11

Finding Profit Percent : 

Profit percent  =  (Profit/Cost price)  100 %

Profit percent  =  (11/22)  100 %

Profit percent  =  (1/2) ⋅ 100 %

Profit percent  =  50 %

Problem 4 :

A person incurs 5% loss by selling a laptop for $1140. At what price should the laptop be sold to earn 5% profit ?

Solution :

Let "x" be the cost price of the laptop. 

Given :

The laptop is sold for $1140 at 5% loss. 

So, we have 

(100 - 5)% of x  =  1140

95% of x  =  1140

0.95x  =  1140

Divide both sides by 0.95

0.95x / 0.95  =  1140 / 0.95

x  =  1200

The cost price of the laptop  =  $1200.

Selling price of the laptop at 5% proft is

=  (100 + 5)% of 1200

=  105% of 1200

=  1.05 ⋅ 1200

=  1260

Hence, the laptop should be sold at $1260 to earn a profit of 5%.

Problem 5 :

The cost price of 21 articles is equal to S.P of 18 articles. Find the profit or loss percent. 

Solution :

Let the cost of 1 article $1.

Then, the cost price of 18 articles  =  $18

Given :

Cost price of 21 articles  =  Selling price of 18 articles

21 ⋅ 1  =  Selling price of 18 articles

21  =  Selling price of 18 articles

Finding Profit :

Profit  =  S.P of 18 articles  - C.P of 18 articles

Profit  =  21 - 18

Profit  =  3

Finding Profit Percent : 

Profit percent  =  (Profit/Cost price)  100 %

Profit percent  =  (3/18)  100 %

Profit percent  =  (1/6) ⋅ 100 %

Profit percent  =  100/6 %

Profit percent  =  16  %

Problem 6 :

A man bought candies at 3 for a dollar. How many for a dollar must he sell to earn a profit of 50% ? 

Solution :

Cost price of 3 candies  =  $1

Selling price of 3 candies at 50% is 

=  (100 + 50)% of cost price of 3 candies

=  150% of 1

=  1.5 ⋅ 1

=  1.5

So, he has to sell 3 candies for $1.50 to earn a profit of 50%. 

Selling price of 1 candy  =  1.50/3

Selling price of 1 candy  =  $0.50

No. of candies he has to sell for a dollar is 

=  1/0.50

=  2

Hence, the person must sell 2 candies for a dollar to earn a profit of 50%.

Problem 7 :

If the cost price is 96% of the selling price, then what is the profit percent ?

Solution :

Let the selling price be $100.

Then the cost price is $96. 

Finding Profit :

Profit  =  Selling price  - Cost price

Profit  =  100 - 96

Profit  =  4

Finding Profit Percent : 

Profit percent  =  (Profit/Cost price)  100 %

Profit percent  =  (4/96)  100 %

Profit percent  =  (1/24) ⋅ 100 %

Profit percent  =  4.17 %

Problem 8 :

An article is sold at a certain price. By selling it at 2/3 of that price, one loses 10%. Find the profit percent at original price. 

Solution :

Let the original selling price be $3 and the cost price be x.

(Here, original selling price is assumed as $3, because when it is multiplied by 2/3, the result will be an integer) 

Then, 2/3 of the original selling price is 

=  2/3 ⋅ 3

=  1

Selling price at 10% loss  =  2/3 of the original S.P

(100 - 10)% of cost price  =  2

90% of "x"  =  2

0.9 ⋅ x  =  2

0.9x  =  2

Divide both sides by 0.9

0.9x / 0.9  =  2 / 0.9

x  =  20/9

So, the cost price  =  $20/9.

Finding Profit :

Profit  =  Selling price  - Cost price

Profit  =  3 - 20/9

Profit  =  27/9 - 20/9

Profit  =  (27 - 20)/9

Profit  =  7/9 

Finding Profit Percent : 

Profit percent  =  (Profit/Cost price)  100 %

Profit percent  =  [(7/9) / (20/9)]  100 %

Profit percent  =  (7/9) ⋅ (9/20) ⋅ 100 %

Profit percent  =  35 %

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