Calculator :

An electronic device which does mathematical calculations accurately with a great speed.

Calculus :

Branch of mathematics dealing with derivatives and integrals. The study of motion in which change of values are discussed.

Capacity :

The amount a container holds. For example capacity of a container or tanker.

Cardinal number :

Cardinal number is the number that denotes quantity of something.

Cartesian coordinate :

An ordered pair of real numbers which denotes the location of a point on a graph.

Cartesian plane :

A set of all Cartesian points. It consists of two direct lines that perpendicularly intersect at their respective zeros. The horizontal line is x axis and the vertical line is y axis. The point of intersection is called origin

Celsius :

Celsius is a temperature scale which is used to tell about the temperature of the body. It is often written as ⁰C. Water boils at 100⁰ C and becomes ice(freezes) at 0⁰ C.

Census :

Census is the systematic procedure of collecting all information about a population.

Cent :

Cent is the smallest value of money in some countries. In Australia, Canada and US 100 cents makes one dollar.

Center :

Middle part of an object. Here you can see center of the circle.

Centrigrade :

Centigrade is another name for Celsius.

Centimeter :

A unit of measuring length in metric system. One hundredth of a meter is one centimeter.

Centroid of the Triangle :

There are three medians of the triangle and they are concurrent at a point O, that point is called the centroid of a triangle.

In the following diagram O is the centroid of ABC. Now let us look into the formula.

Circumcentre of the Triangle :

The point of concurrency of the perpendicular bisector of the sides of a triangle is called the circumcentre of the triangle. The circumcentre is denoted by S.

Circle :

Circle is a closed curve in which all the points on the curve lie at a equal distance from the fixed point called as the center.

Century is a Latin word, denoting 100 consecutive years.

Chord :

A straight line joining two points on the circumference of the circle.

Circumference of Circle :

Another term of Perimeter of a circle is known as circumference of a circle

Circumference of circle  =  2Πr

Cylinder :

A geometrical shape with two parallel straight sides having two circular parts such that one is at the top and the other is at bottom.

Classification of data :

Classification of data is the categorization of data for its most effective use. The process of arranging into homogenous group or classes according to some common characteristics is called classification.

Concurrency of Straight Lines :

If three or more straight lines passing through the same point then that common point is called the point of concurrency.

Compound Angles :

Compound angles is the combination of two angles

sin (A+B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B

sin (A+B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B

cos (A+B) = cos A cos B - sin A sin B

cos (A-B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B

tan (A+B) = (tan A + tan B) / (1 - tan A tan B)

tan (A-B) = (tan A - tan B) /(1 + tan A tan B)

If sum of two angles be 90 degree then we can say both are complement to each other. Complementary angles in trigonometry are

sin (90 - θ) = cos θ

cos (90 - θ) = sin θ

tan (90 - θ) = cot θ

cot (90 - θ) = tan θ

cosec (90 - θ) = sec θ

Sec (90 - θ) = cosec θ

Closure Property :

A set is said to be closed under an operation, if and only if the operations on two elements of the set produces another element which is also in the set. If it is not an element of the same set, then it is not closed.

In other words, if a and b are two elements of set A and * is an operation then a*b must be an element in A

Now addition of 3 and -9 is 3 + (-9)  =  -6 which is also an integer. So addition of two integers is closed.

Commutative Property :

Commutative property states that operation like addition and multiplication can be done in any order.

In other words, if a and b are elements of set A and * is the operation, then a*b = b*a is the commutative property.

Compound Interest :

In compound interest the interest also earns an interest. Money is said to be lent in this when at the end of a year or other fixed period the interest that has become due is added top the sum and amount becomes the principal for the next period.

This process should be repeated until the amount for the last period has been found. The difference between final amount and the original principal is called the C.I

The formula given below can be used to find accumulated value in C.I.

A  =  P(1+i)

A  =  Accumulated value (final value of an investment) 
P  =  Principal (initial value of an investment)

Collinear :

If two or more points lies on the same line then it is said to the points are collinear.

Cost Price :

Cost price is also a price in which good are purchased.

Coefficients :

Coefficient is the number with symbol which is in front of the the variable.

For example the coefficient of -5x² is -5.

Cube of a number :

When a number is multiplied by three times, the product is called as cube of the number

For example,

  2  =  8. Now 8 is called cube of 2.

Cube root of a number :

If a is a natural number such that a3 = N,then a is said to be the cube root of N.

Example :

∛ 8  =  ∛(2  2  2)  =  2

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