Integrate the following with respect to x

(1)  5x4+3(2x+3)4-6(4-3x)5

(2)  (3/x)+[m/(4x+1)]-2(5-2x)5

(3)  4 - 5/(x+2) + 3 cos 2x

(4)  3e7x-4sec(4x+3)tan(4x+3)+11/x5

(5)  pcosec2(px-q)-6(1-x)4+4e(3-4x)

(6)  (2x-5) (36+4x)

(7)  (1 + x3)2

(8)  (x3+4x2-3x+2)/x2

(9)  (x4 - x2 + 2)/(x + 1)

(10)  (1+x)2/√x

Question 1 :



Now we are going to integrate the given function

=  ∫[5x4+3(2x+3)4-6(4-3x)5] dx

=  ∫5x4 dx + 3∫(2x+3)4  dx - 6∫(4-3x)5 dx

=  x5 dx + (3/10)(2x+3)+ (1/3)(4-3x)6 dx

Question 2 :


Solution :

Now we are going to integrate the given function

=  ∫(3/x)+[m/(4x+1)]-2(5-2x)5 dx

=  3∫(1/x) dx + m∫[1/(4x+1)] dx - 2∫(5-2x)5 dx

=  3log x+(m/4) log (4x+1)+(1/6)(5-2x)6+C

Question 3 :

4 - 5/(x+2) + 3 cos 2x

Solution :

Now we are going to integrate the given function

= ∫(4 - 5/(x + 2) + 3 cos 2x) dx

=  4∫dx - 5∫[1/(x+2)] dx + 3∫cos 2 x dx

=  4x-5 log (x+2) + (3/2) sin 2x + C

Question 4 :


Solution :

Now we are going to integrate the given function

=  ∫(3e7x-4sec(4x+3)tan(4x+3)+11/x5) dx

=  3∫e7x dx - 4∫sec(4x+3)tan(4x+3) dx + 11∫x-5 dx

=  (3/7) e7x - sec (4x+3) - (11/4x4) + C

Question 5 :


Solution :

Now we are going to integrate the given function

=  ∫[pcosec2(px-q)-6(1-x)4+4e(3-4x) ] dx

=  p∫cosec2 (px-q) dx - 6∫(1-x)4 dx + 4 ∫e(3-4x) dx

=  -cot (px-q)- (6/5)(1-x)5 -e(3-4x) + C

Question 6 :

(2x-5) (36+4x)

Solution :

=  ∫(2x-5) (36+4x) dx

=  ∫[2x(36) + 2x(4x) - 5(36) - 5(4x)] dx

= ∫[52x+8x2-180] dx

= ∫52 x dx + ∫8x2 dx - ∫180 dx

= 52 ∫ x dx  + 8 ∫ x² dx - 180 ∫ dx

=  52x2/2 + 8x3/3 - 180x + C

=  26x2 + 8x3/3 - 180x + C

Question 7 :

(1 + x3)2

Solution :

(a+b) =  a2+2ab+b2

=  ∫(1+x3)2 dx

=  ∫(1+2x3+x6) dx

=  ∫1 dx + ∫2x3 dx + ∫x6 dx

=  x+2∫x3dx + ∫x6 dx

=  x+2x4/4 + x7/7 + C

=  x+x4/2+x7/7+C

= ( x7/7) + (x4/2) + x + C

Question 8 :


Solution :

=  ∫[(x3+4x2-3x+2)/x2] dx

=  ∫x dx + ∫4 dx - ∫(3/x) dx + ∫(2/x2) dx

=  x2/2 + 4 x - 3 log x - 2/x + C

Question 9 :

(x4 - x2 + 2)/(x + 1)

Solution :

Now we are going to integrate the given function

=  ∫ (x4-x2+2)/(x+1) dx

=  ∫ [(x3-x2) + 2/(x+1)] dx

=  ∫(x3-x2) dx + ∫ 2/(x+1) dx

=  (x4/4) - (x3/3) + 2 log (x + 1) + C

Question 10 :


Solution :

=  ∫[(1+x)2/√x] dx

(a + b)2  =  a2+2ab+b2

=  ∫[(1+2x+x2)/√x] dx

=  ∫[(1/√x) dx + ∫(2x/√x) dx + ∫ x2/√x dx

=  2√x + 2 (2/3) x √x + (2/5) x2√x + C

=  2√x + (4/3) x √x + (2/5) x2√x + C

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