Rational equation is an equation involving rational expressions. It can be written in the form,

ᶠ⁽ˣ⁾⁄g₍ₓ₎ = 0

(where f(x) and g(x) are polynomial functions with no common factors and g(x) ≠ 0. The zeros of f(x) are the solutions of the equation)

Rational expressions typically contain a variable in the denominator. For this reason, we will take care to ensure that the denominator is not 0 by making note of restrictions and checking our solutions.

For some value of x, say x = a, if one or more denominators in the rational equation becomes zero, then there is a restriction ≠ a. When solving the equation, even if you get a solution x = a, it can not be considered as a solution to the given rational equation.

How to Solve Rational Equations

To solve rational equations, you can clear the fractions by getting rid of the denominators. To get rid of the denominators one by one, multiply both sides of the equation by the expression in the denominator. To know more about this, please go over the examples given below. 

Note :

If you find only one fraction on each side of the rational equation, the equation can be solved by cross multiplication. That is, multiply numerator on the left side by denominator on the right side and multiply numerator on the right side by denominator on the left side.

Example 1 :

⁵⁄ₓ - ⅓ = ¹⁄ₓ

Solution :

⁵⁄ₓ - ⅓ = ¹⁄ₓ

In this equation, there is one restriction :

≠ 0

Multiply both sides of the equation by x to get rid of the denominator x on both sides.

x(⁵⁄ₓ - ) = x(¹⁄ₓ)

x(⁵⁄ₓ) - x() = 1

5 - ˣ⁄₃ = 1

Subtract 5 from both sides.

-ˣ⁄₃ = -4

Multiply both sides by -3.

-3(-ˣ⁄₃) = -3(-4)

x = 12

Example 2 :

³⁄ₓ = ²⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₄₎

Solution :

³⁄ₓ = ²⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₄₎

In this equation, there are two restrictions :

≠ 0 and x ≠ -4

There is only one fraction on each side of the equation.

By cross multiplying,

3(x + 4) = 2x

3x + 12 = 2x

Subtract 2x from both sides.

x + 12 = 0

Subtract 12 from both sides.

x = -12

Example 3 :

³⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎ + 5 = ⁴⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎

Solution :

³⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎ + 5 = ⁴⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎

In this equation, there is one restriction :

≠ -2

Multiply both sides of the equation by (x + 2) to get rid of the denominator (x + 2) on both sides.

(x + 2)[³⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎ + 5] = (x + 2)[⁴⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎]

(x + 2)[³⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎] + 5(x + 2) = 4

3 + 5x + 10 = 4

5x + 13 = 4

Subtract 13 from both sides.

5x = -9

Divide both sides by 5.

x = ⁻⁹⁄₅

Example 4 :

²ˣ⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₄₎ - 3 = ⁻¹²⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₄₎

Solution :

²ˣ⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₄₎ - 3 = ⁻¹²⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₄₎

In this equation, there is one restriction :

≠ -4

Multiply both sides of the equation by (x + 4) to get rid of the denominator (x + 4) on both sides.

(x + 4)[²ˣ⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₄₎ - 3] = (x + 4)[-12/(x + 4)]

(x + 4)[²ˣ⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₄₎] - 3(x + 4) = -12

2x - 3x - 12 = -12

-x - 12 = -12

Add 12 to both sides.

-x = 0

x = 0

Example 5 :

¹⁴⁄₍₂ ₋ ₓ₎ = ²⁄ₓ

Solution :

¹⁴⁄₍₂ ₋ ₓ₎ = ²⁄ₓ

In this equation, there are two restrictions :

≠ 2 and x ≠ 0

There is only one fraction on each side of the equation.

By cross multiplying,

14x = x(2 - x)

14x = 4 - 2x

Add 2x to both sides.

16x = 4

Divide both sides by 16.

x = 1/4

Example 6 :

²⁄₍ₓ ₋ ₄₎ + 2 = ⁶⁄₍ₓ ₋ ₄₎

Solution :

²⁄₍ₓ ₋ ₄₎ + 2 = ⁶⁄₍ₓ ₋ ₄₎

In this equation, there is one restriction :

≠ 4

Multiply both sides of the equation by (x - 4) to get rid of the denominator (x - 4) on both sides.

(x - 4)[²⁄₍ₓ ₋ ₄₎ + 2] = (x - 4)[6/(x - 4)]

(x - 4)[²⁄₍ₓ ₋ ₄₎] + 2(x - 4) = 6

2 + 2x - 8 = 6

2x - 6 = 6

Add 6 to both sides.

2x = 12

Divide both sides by 2.

x = 6

Example 7 :

⁽ˣ ⁺ ²⁾⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₁₎ - x = ⁻⁶⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₁₎

Solution :

⁽ˣ ⁺ ²⁾⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₁₎ - x = ⁻⁶⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₁₎

In this equation, there is one restriction :

≠ -1

Multiply both sides of the equation by (x + 1) to get rid of the denominator (x + 1) on both sides.

(x + 1)[⁽ˣ ⁺ ²⁾⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₁₎ - x] = (x + 1)[⁻⁶⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₁₎]

(x + 1)[⁽ˣ ⁺ ²⁾⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₁₎] - x(x + 1) = -6

x + 2 - x2 - x = -6

2 - x2 = -6

Subtract 2 from both sides.

-x2 = -8

Multiply both sides by -1.

x2 = 8

Take square root on both sides.

x2 = 8

x = ±2√2

x = -2√2  or  x = 2√2

Example 8 :

ˣ⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎ + ²⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎₍ₓ ₊ ₃₎ = ⁵⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₃₎

Solution :

ˣ⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎ + ²⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎₍ₓ ₊ ₃₎ = ⁵⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₃₎

In this equation, there are two restrictions :

≠ -2 and x ≠ -3

Multiply both sides of the equation by (x + 2) to get rid of the denominator (x + 2).

(x + 2)[ˣ⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎ + ²⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎₍ₓ ₊ ₃₎] =(x + 2)[⁵⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₃₎]

(x + 2)[ˣ⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎] + (x + 2)[²⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₂₎₍ₓ ₊ ₃₎] = ⁽⁵ˣ ⁺ ¹⁰⁾⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₃₎

x + ²⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₃₎ = ⁽⁵ˣ ⁺ ¹⁰⁾⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₃₎

Multiply both sides by (x + 3) to get rid of the denominator (x + 3) on both sides.

(x + 3)[x + ²⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₃₎] = (x + 3)[⁽⁵ˣ ⁺ ¹⁰⁾⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₃₎]

(x + 3)(x) + (x + 3)[²⁄₍ₓ ₊ ₃₎] = 5x + 10

x2 + 3x + 2 = 5x + 10

Subtract 5x from both sides.

x2 - 2x + 2 = 10

Subtract 10 from both sides.

x2 - 2x - 8 = 0

Factor and solve.

x2 - 4x + 2x - 8 = 0

x(x - 4) + 2(x - 4) = 0

(x - 4)(x + 2) = 0

x - 4 = 0  or  x + 2 = 0

x = 4  or  x = -2

We get two solutions x = 4 and x = -2 for the given rational equation.

Already, we know that there is a restriction ≠ -2. 

So, x = -2 can not be considered as a solution.

Therefore, solution to the given rational equation is

x = 4

Example 9 :

⁽²ᵖ ⁻ ¹⁾⁄₍₂p ₊ ₅₎ = ⁽ᵖ ⁻ ¹⁾⁄₍p ₊ ₃₎

Solution :

⁽²ᵖ ⁻ ¹⁾⁄₍₂p ₊ ₅₎ = ⁽ᵖ ⁻ ¹⁾⁄₍p ₊ ₃₎

In this equation, there are two restrictions :

⁻⁵⁄₂ and x ≠ -3

There is only one fraction on each side of the equation.

By cross multiplying,

(2p - 1)(p + 3) = (p - 1)(2p + 5)

2p2 + 6p - p - 3 = 2p2 + 5p - 2p - 5

2p2 + 5p - 3 = 2p2 + 3p - 5

Subtract 2pfrom both sides.

5p - 3 = 3p - 5

Subtract 3p from both sides.

2p - 3 = -5

Add 3 to both sides.

2p = -2

Divide both sides by 2.

p = -1

Example 10 :

⁽ʸ ⁺ ³⁾⁄₍y ₊ ₂₎ = ²⁄y ¹⁄₍y ₊ ₂₎

Solution :

⁽ʸ ⁺ ³⁾⁄₍y ₊ ₂₎ = ²⁄y ¹⁄₍y ₊ ₂₎

In this equation, there is one restriction :

≠ -2

Multiply both sides of the equation by (y + 2) to get rid of the denominator (y + 2) on both sides.

(y + 2)[⁽ʸ ⁺ ³⁾⁄₍y ₊ ₂₎] = (y + 2)[²⁄y ¹⁄₍y ₊ ₂₎]

y + 3 = (y + 2)(²⁄y) + (y + 2)[¹⁄₍y ₊ ₂₎]

y + 3 = ⁽²ʸ ⁺ ⁴⁾⁄y + 1

Multiply both sides by y to get rid of the denominator y on the right side.

y(y + 3) = y[⁽²ʸ ⁺ ⁴⁾⁄y + 1]

y2 + 3y = y[⁽²ʸ ⁺ ⁴⁾⁄y] + y(1)

y2 + 3y = 2y + 4 + y

y2 + 3y = 3y + 4

Subtract 3y from both sides.

y2 = 4

Take square root on both sides.

y2 = √4

y = ±2

y = -2  or  y = 2

We get two solutions y = -2 and y = 2 for the given rational equation.

Already, we know that there is a restriction y ≠ -2. 

So, y = -2 can not be considered as a solution.

Therefore, solution to the given rational equation is

y = 2

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