Double facts are additions in which a number is added to itself.

Examples : 

1 + 1, 2 + 2 

Internalizing double facts are helpful building blocks in developing fluency in adding single digit numbers.

Problem 1 :

David has 10 candies. Daniel has the double of what David has. How many candies does Daniel have ?

Solution :

Number of candies that Daniel has

= Double of what David has

= 10 + 10

= 20

Problem 2 :

John has 12 cookies. Jose has the double of what John has. How many candies does Daniel have ?

Solution :

Number of candies that Jose has

= Double of what John has

= 12 + 12

= 24

Problem 3 :

Allen has 12 boxes of cookies. Lily has 4 more than the double of Allen has.How many boxes does Lily have ?

Solution :

Number of boxes that Lily has

= 4 more than the double of what Allen has

= 12 + 12 + 4

= 28

Problem 4 :

Joshua traveled 8 miles and Peter traveled the double of Joshua. How many miles did Peter travel ?

Solution :

Number of miles that Peter traveled

= Double of Joshua traveled

= 8 + 8

= 16

Problem 5 :

Ethan has 4 pizzas boxes of cookies. Antony has 2 less than the double of what Ethan has. 

Solution :

Number of pizzas that Antony has 

= 2 less than the double of what Ethan has

= 4 + 4 - 2

= 6

Problem 6 :

Ryan traveled 8 miles and James traveled 3 miles more than the double of Ryan. How many miles did James travel ?

Solution :

Number of miles that James traveled is

= 3 miles more than the double of James

= 8 + 8 + 3

= 19

Problem 7 :

Jonathan has 12 pencils. Samuel has 7 less than the double of Jonathan has. How many pencils does Samuel have ?

Solution :

Number of candies that Samuel has

= Double of what Jonathan has

= 12 + 12 - 7

= 24 - 7

= 17

Problem 8 :

Dylan is 7 years old. Benjamin's age is 3 years more than the double of Dylan's age. Find the age of Benjamin. 

Solution :

Age of Benjamin is

= 3 years more than the double of Dylan's age

= 7 + 7 + 3

= 17 years

Problem 9 :

Logan has $13. Brandon has $7 less than the double of Logan has. How much money does Brandon have ?

Solution :

Money that Brandon has

$7 less than the double of Logan has

= 13 + 13 - 7

= 26 - 7

= $19

Problem 10 :

In a game Jackson has scored 15 points. Luke has scored 14 points less than the double of Jackson. Who is the winner ?

Solution :

Points scored by Jackson = 15 ----(1)

Points scored by Luke is

= 12 points less than the double of Jackson

= 15 + 15 - 14

= 30 - 14

= 16 ----(2)

Comparing (1) and (2), Luke has scored more points than Jackson.

So, Luke is the winner.   

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