z axis :

The axis which is perpendicular to the plane determined by x-y axes at their point of intersection. It also represent a coordinate in the triple ordered pair (x, y, z).

Z-coordinate :

The third number in the triple ordered pair.

z-intercept :

The point at which the graph intersects the z-axis.

Zeroes :

The number 0 which indicates zero quantity, size, or magnitude. Zero is neither negative nor positive.

Zero dimension :

The only vector that contained on the point is zero vector.

Zero Slope :

Slope of a horizontal line.

Zero Vector :

A vector with magnitude zero.

Rational zero Theorem :

Rational zeros theorem gives the possible rational zeros of a polynomial function. Equivalently the theorem gives all the possible roots of an equation.

The theorem states that,

f(x) = anxn+an-1xn-1+…. +a1x+a0 

Zero Product Property :

If a x b = 0 then a = 0 or b = 0.

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